Call Toll Free 01-(844) RINGTECH (844) 746 4832
Local US # 01-(623) 209 8912
Full Radius Groove
Diamond tipped tools are available in multiple widths
Depth of cut is 1 x width
Tools can be ordered in these materials:
This type of tool in diamond MCD, and PCD, has been the backbone of diamond cut tooling for jewelry faceting. Universally used and approved as a "standard of the industry"
We can use this posalux style of tool to mount in the turret and provide numerous grooves and diamond finishes on rings.
These posalux tools can also be mounted in our faceting heads for slotting and faceting in our live spindle machines.
Each tool is meticulously made, and is centered in the tool holder for precision repeatability.
Tools can be sharpened when worn to extend the life of the diamond tips.
Flat Groove (180)
Tools are available in multiple widths
Depth of cut is 1 x width
Angle Point Groove (VEE)
Tools are available in multiple widths & angles
The width of the tool sets the maximum depth of cut
Widths can be from 2mm to 5mm
Profile options
Posalux Style Diamond Tools
Skim Cut Tools (SC)
These tools generate a diamond finish on the outside of flat profiles.
Tool are 2mm wide with a lead in angle for a bright finish.
Available for outside & inside use.
Ringtech has searched the world for a reliable, repeatable source for diamond tipped tools at reasonable prices.
We are proud to announce that we can now offer a world class product at a reasonable price to jewelry manufacturers.
We are proud to announce that we are a distributor for K&Y Diamond tooling.
Specializing in precision diamond tooling, K&Y are industry leaders in the field of diamond cutting tools.
Please call if you have a special tool you need
Posalux Style Diamond Tools
All Posalux style tools with an MCD width of 3mm or less
US$125.00 each + FedEX S&H (delivery within 7 days)
Concave Radius Tools (CC)
Tools are available in multiple radii and widths.
These tools provide a diamond finish on domed edge rings or can be used to finish the outside dome of a full domed ring.
If you are unsure of your needs please contact us for assistance.
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